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  • Writer's picturewhylitefitnessstudio

Where did the term Whylite come from?

The term Whylite originated with my father when he was owner operator of a dairy farm. Whylite is a play on our last name (White). My family found the phrase to be catchy and liked how it sounded. If only he had the foresight to see how well it would play for me in the fitness industry; I know it was a proud moment for him when I asked if I could carry the phrase into my business. When I entered the fitness industry as a personal trainer 3 years ago coming up with a catchy phrase that was unique posed to be a little bit of a challenge for me but not for co-founder Jolayne White (My beautiful wife). She basically told me to use Whylite lift heavy. The concept of lifting heavy was one I lived by so it fit. It still amazes me when my clients finally see the connection in the phrase "Whylite Lift Heavy"; why lift light when you should just lift heavy. I love hearing my clients stories of when they realize this connection.

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